Transferring Old Plans To New Templates

Transferring Plans to New Template

Published by Rabbitt Design

Date: August 21, 2023

Category: CAD Design and Plan Management

Video Length: 29 minutes and 45 seconds

Introduction to Plan Transfer

We start by discussing the purpose of transferring an old plan into a new plan template. This video is primarily aimed at VIP members, offering them advanced access and exclusive content. A highlight is the recent update to the pro plan template, introducing macro-based detail creation and other enhancements.

Preparing for Plan Transfer

The process involves setting up the new template plan by removing existing roofs, foundations, and terrain to accommodate the old plan's features. Additionally, we need to eliminate old cameras and elevation views from the old plan to avoid conflicts. Key advice includes creating a style palette from the old plan to maintain specific styles and attributes in the new template.

Executing the Transfer

Using the 'Edit Area' tool, we copy the old plan and paste it into the new template. This step requires careful consideration of default settings in both plans, as elements set to default in the old plan will adopt the new plan's defaults. The video also emphasizes checking ceiling elevations and other room-specific settings post-transfer.

Post-Transfer Adjustments

After transferring, we perform necessary clean-ups, such as adjusting terrain settings and deleting redundant macros. We also explore the new plan to ensure elements like kitchen layouts, room designs, and foundation details align with the expected outcomes. The tutorial advises revisiting dimensions and annotations to ensure accuracy.

Exploring New Features in the Pro Plan Template

The latter part of the video showcases new features in the updated pro plan template, including new finish macros for easier annotation, ceiling height macros, and improved labeling conventions. We also examine the addition of user-submitted details and their integration into the template's system.


The video concludes with tips on maintaining the plan’s integrity post-transfer and utilizing the pro plan template's new features for enhanced design and planning efficiency.

See Video Below/Attached.

SEO: Chief Architect Plan Transfer Tutorial, Updating Architectural Templates in Chief Architect, Chief Architect Software Guide, Architectural Design Plan Conversion, Chief Architect Template Update Process, Transferring Architectural Designs in Chief Architect, Chief Architect Training for Template Transfer, How to Update Chief Architect Plans.


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